Nous sommes en 50 avant Jèsus-Christ. Toute la Gaule est occupèe par les Romains…Toute? Non! Un village peuple d’irrèductibles Gaulois rèsiste encore et toujours à l’envahisseur. Et la vie n’est pas facile pour les garnisons de lègionnaires romains des camps retranchès de Babaorum, Aquarium, Laudanum et Petitbonum…
50 B.C. All Gaul is occupied by the Romans. All? No!…One small village of indomitable Gauls still holds out against the invaders. And life is not easy for the Roman legionaries who garrison the fortified camps of Totorum, Aquarium, Laudanum and Compendium…
So it began the great saga of Asterix and Obelix. On October 29, 1959, Writer Rene Goscinny and artist Albert Uderzo, published the first cartoon strip of this great saga. Now 50 years later, these characters are better and more popular than ever. I came across them in the 1970's and again in the 1980's, when I began collecting their storys. Funny, witty and sometimes very irreverent, Asterix and Obelix still make me laugh.
Even Google has jumped in the bandwagon and modified their Opening logo in their webpage with A&O.
Happy Birthday Guys! 50 more years of fun!

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