Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Apple presents it's new product; The iPad!

At last the rumors can stop and the gripping can begin. Steve Jobs announced today the new member of the Apple family of computers and devices; The Apple iPad!

The unit is 10 inches in diameter, very thin, uses WiFi and 3G unlimited data plan from ATT from 29.99 monthly without a contract. And you can use ATT's Wi Fi hot spots to boot!
Will run apps like the iPhone and the iPod Touch. Some of the apps are; Brushes, a paint program with multi-touch, iWorks 2010, iBooks a mix between iTunes store and Barnes & Noble. This app offers more page control and capabilities than the Kindle. You can also read newspapers and magazines, which is a godsend for publishers, now they can go online or publish in an electronic way. It runs on the first use of the Apple A4 1ghz chip.

The Pad will come in a 16 GB ($499.), 32 GB ($599.) and 64 GB ($699.) versions. With additional Wi-Fi, 16 GB ($629.), 32 GB ( $729.) and 64 GB ($829.).

Accessories include a dock with a keyboard for easy typing, if you don't like the virtual keyboard included, and a kickstand, made from leather, that works as a case and a stand.
It goes on sale in 60 days.

It looks impressive, but it's not. My Asus, running linux, is far better, and cheaper too! The price is not that bad for the basic model, little expensive for the rest.. The name...NO! It sounds like a feminine hygiene product!!! They could have called it the iSlate or the iTablet. iPad sounds like iTampon!!! And no camera for photos or video to upload or to use Skype. Damn! It sucks!!!

It's a great entry. But I wouldn't buy one right now. I'll wait until later in the year, when they announce the new models and new lower prices for this device.

Hey! I waited 2 years to get an iPhone!

Images Apple / Gizmodo

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