At least that what this man claims...
SARASOTA, FL. - Some excitement at the Sarasota City Commission meeting Tuesday, when a California man spoke out about who he thinks really killed John Lennon.
During public comment, a man with signs who identified himself as Steve Lightfoot, took a seat in front of commissioners saying he wanted to expose the truth. He then went on to allege that part-time Casey Key resident and author Stephen King was the person that killed John Lennon.
"I'm from California. I'm known by 10% of Florida. I'm known by 50% of California. I'm the man exposing the truth about John Lennon's murder. Stephen King, Casey Key resident, shot John Lennon. He's not suing me...my van says it all over the place," said Lightfoot. He claimed that "Stephen King is the worst criminal the state of Florida has ever harbored."
Sarasota mayor Lou Ann Palmer told the man that comments at the meeting must be reserved for city business. "This does not relate to the city of Sarasota," said Mayor Palmer. Casey Key is under Sarasota County jurisdiction.
The mayor summoned Police Chief Peter Abbott, who escorted the man and his signs peacefully out of the chamber to the sound of chuckles from people attending the meeting.
The whole thing was captured on video...
Oh, by the way, Stephen King is also a Nazi war criminal, an alien, the mastermind behind 9-11, provocateur of countless air disasters and the brain behind the Lincoln-Kennedy-Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations. Just because that's the way he rolls!
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