Sunday, August 3, 2008

Some good news, for a change!

Our embattled and crook governor Anibal Acevedo Vila, the pompous ass, knowing that probably his goose is cooked by the feds, it's trying to make nice with the general populace by giving an order that could be constituted as good news. From August 11 to December 31 of this year, the Metropolitan Bus Authority (AMA in Spanish) and the Ports Authority are giving their services for free.
That's right, Buses in the San Juan metroplex and Ferry Service between San Juan and Cataño is free for the rest of the year! This is an attempt to make the people in the metroplex to use their cars less during the day and start using public transportation.
We have to see if service actually improves or maintains it's current level of service which is almost doesn't exist. Buses are old and broken, drivers are the most rude people in the island and the ferry service, while better than the buses, only come once an hour.
I guess people will get used to that, after all, it's free.

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