Man! Not soon after I received the news of Ricardo Montalban's death, it was announced that Patrick McGoohan, known for the breakthrough series "The Prisoner" and his turn as the evil Richard the First in Mel Gibson's "Braveheart" has also passed away!
He was 80.
Patrick McGoohan, a two-time Emmy Award-winning actor who starred as a British spy in the 1960s TV series "Secret Agent" and gained cult status later in the decade as the star of the enigmatic series "The Prisoner," has died. He was 80.
McGoohan, whose career spanned stage, screen and TV, died peacefully Tuesday at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica after a short illness, said Cleve Landsberg, McGoohan's son-in-law. The family did not provide further details.
It was the height of James Bond mania in 1965 when McGoohan showed up on American TV screens in "Secret Agent," a British-produced series in which he played John Drake, a special security agent working as a spy for the British government.
The hourlong series, which ran on CBS until 1966, was an expanded version of “Danger Man,” a short-lived, half-hour series on CBS in 1961 in which McGoohan played the same character.
But it was McGoohan's next British-produced series, “The Prisoner,” on CBS in 1968 and 1969, that became a cult classic that spawned fan clubs, conventions and college study.
Click here to read the whole story!
Ok...in his memory...here we go...one...two...three
1 comment:
Even when I never got to see a full episode of The Prisoner, his job in Braveheart was outstanding. May he rest in peace
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